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Organisation : Referendum Party RP
Facility Name : Join Membership
Country : South Africa
Website :

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How to Join Referendum Party Membership?

** Membership is open to all supporters. RP members receive our newsletter and invites to events.
** The party membership fee is currently R100/year. We’ll send you a link for payment after you complete the form below.
** Thank you for supporting the Referendum Party.

How to Donate Referendum Party?

** Whilst the Referendum Party is completing the process of registration, donations will be processed by the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) – who are the driving force behind the Referendum Party.
** The link below will take you to the CIAG’s website, where you can donate by EFT, Card, SnapScan, or Cryptocurrency.

How will your donation be used?
** The Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) exists to promote the concept of an independent Western Cape and to work towards securing and winning a provincial referendum.
** The CIAG is run as a not-for-profit organisation by the Cape Development Institute NPC (2002/686484/08), a registered not-for-profit company. Donations are our primary source of income.
** We are deeply grateful for any donations we receive, large or small, once-off or monthly. If you have donated, then a very sincere thank you.
** At times we will run donation campaigns to fund a specific activity, and it will be very clear what you are funding. The Cloetesville march for Cape Independence was an example of this, where the donations were used to hire equipment, provide water and food for the marchers, to provide transport to the start of the march, to advertise the march, and to produce marketing materials such as the flags handed out on the day.
** At other times we will just ask for generic funding. These funds are used for both the day to day activities of the CIAG, which include running our website, growing our social media audiences through targeted advertising, as well as accruing funds for much larger projects such as independent political polling which is extremely expensive.
** Sometimes large donors will wish to earmark a donation for a specific purpose (such as polling) and we are always happy to discuss donations for a specific purpose.
** All our income and expenses are recorded, collated into management accounts, independently audited where required by law, and submitted to SARS.

How much should you donate?
A monthly donation is first prize. If not, a once-off donation will be a great help.

FAQ on Referendum Party

What is a Referendum?
** A referendum is a direct public vote, where voters are asked to have their say on one single issue. This is different to electing representatives, where people vote for political parties over a wide range of issues.
** A referendum on Cape Independence would ask provincial voters whether they wanted the Western Cape to become an independent country or not.

Can the Premier of the Western Cape call a referendum?
** Both Section 127 of the South African Constitution and Section 37(f) of the Western Cape Constitution, allow for the Western Cape Premier to call provincial referendums.
** There is some dispute about the process through which he would do this since the Referendum Act, which is the legislation governing referendums, is outdated and does not mention the premier specifically.
** This does not stop the Premier calling a referendum as his right can be ‘read into’ the legislation (a legal process which renders legislation constitutional which would otherwise be unconstitutional).

Will the referendum be legally binding?
The legal implications of this question have been considered at length. The Supreme Courts of Canada and the United Kingdom have both found that in a democracy, the government cannot simply ignore the outcome of a democratic referendum.

Will voting against the DA allow the ANC to get back into power?
** A vote for the Referendum Party will not allow the ANC back into power. The ANC obtained 20.5% of the vote in 2021 and even when other potential coalition partners are factored in, they struggle to secure more than a third of the vote.

** As part of the Referendum Party election manifesto, we irrevocably promise to vote with the DA to allow them to form a Western Cape government in 2024. A vote for the Referendum Party is a vote for a DA government, it is just a vote that will make that DA government listen to Western Cape voters on Cape Independence.

Will the Referendum Party make it more difficult for the Multi-Party Charter to win in 2024?
** In 2024, outside of the Western Cape, voters are four times more likely to vote ANC or EFF than DA. As a result of this, it is a virtual mathematical certainty that the Multi-Party Charter will fall far short of securing a national majority, with the most likely outcome being an ANC/EFF coalition government.

** However, in order that voters are 100% certain that a vote for the Referendum Party will not undermine the Multi-Party Charter, the Referendum Party will join the Charter and play our part even if we believe it is a lost cause. When it fails, it will not be because of us.

About Referendum Party

The Referendum Party (RP) is a single-issue political party established to force a referendum on Cape Independence. In 2024 Western Cape voters will choose between two futures: living in a failed state or building a First World country. Vote RP for a First World future!

Why was RP Formed?
** South Africa is on the verge of becoming a failed state. Its institutions are falling apart, its economy has been stagnant for a decade, electricity and water supplies are no longer reliable and we have chronic poverty, unemployment and crime.
** Doing nothing is not an option. It is time to ask the people of the Western Cape what it is that they want.

What are Our Objectives?
** The Referendum Party is a single-issue political party. We exist with only one purpose, to force Premier Alan Winde to listen to the Western Cape people and to call a referendum on Cape Independence.
** Without a referendum, we will be condemned to share South Africa’s fate and we can not become a First World country.
** We do not intend to remove the DA from government in the Western Cape. In fact, we promise that we will vote with the DA and against the ANC so that voters can be reassured that there are no possible circumstances under which a vote for the Referendum Party could result in the ANC coming to power in the province.

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