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Bright Armenia Party Join Membership :

Organisation : Bright Armenia Party
Facility Name : Join Membership
Country : Armenia
Website :

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How to Join Bright Armenia Party?

To Join Bright Armenia Party, follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter Last Name
Step-3 : Enter First Name
Step-4 : Enter Middle Name
Step-5 : Enter Date of Birth

Step-6 : Enter Passport
Step-7 : Enter Citizenship
Step-8 : Enter Phone
Step-9 : Enter Email
Step-10 : Enter Region
Step-11 : Enter Community (town, village…)
Step-12 : Enter Address
Step-13 : Enter Education
Step-14 : Enter Place of work
Step-15 : Enter Additional information
Step-16 : Click on “Send” Button

Member of the Bright Armenia Party

1. A member of a political party can be a capable citizen of the Republic of Armenia who has reached the age of 18, who accepts the Program and the Charter of the Party and is not a member of another party. The founders or members of the party cannot be persons defined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Party”.
2. The party is entered on a voluntary basis, individually, on a personal request, by decision of the Board of Governors of the Party or the District Council of the Party, as well as the Council of Yerevan.
3. A member of the party pays a membership fee, the amount and procedure for payment are determined by the Board of Governors of the Party.
4. If membership in the Party is not possible in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia, it shall be suspended on the basis of an application by a member of the party by a decision of the governing board of the Party or the District Council of the Party or the Public Council. The suspension is removed in the same manner.

5. A member of a political party has the right to:
** elect and be elected leader of the Party and its territorial divisions, as well as representative and governing bodies (Political Council, Board of Governors);
** attend meetings of the Party Congress;
** to get acquainted with the protocols of the Party bodies, to receive copies of the decisions taken by them;
** obtain information on the activities of the Party and its governing bodies;
** receive copies of documents, amendments to the Charter of the Party, funds received from property management, as well as receiving a report of an independent auditor on the verification of the financial statements of the Party;
** submit initiatives and proposals on various issues of social and political life of the governing bodies of the Party;
** participate in a meeting or session where his personal questions or proposals are discussed, to express his opinion on the issues being discussed;
** appeal against decisions and actions of the structural units of the Party in the higher bodies of the Party;
** voluntarily terminate their membership in the Party;
** suspend and restore their membership in the Party;
** enjoy other rights provided by law and this Charter.

6. Party member must:
** act within the Charter of the Party;
** make decisions of the party congress, higher authorities and program regulations;
** to participate in meetings and events of the Party;
** perform other duties provided for by law and this Charter.

7. Terms and conditions for losing party membership:
Party membership is terminated:
** in other cases stipulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Law “On Parties”, other laws and this Charter.
** in case of loss of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia;
** in case of dissolution of the Party;
** in case of death;
** in case of expulsion from the Party;
** in case of withdrawal from the party on request;

** The application for termination of membership is made by the Board of Governors of the Party, the Regional Council, the Council of Yerevan, which take an appropriate decision. In the event of suspension or termination of membership, the governing body of the Party, the regional Council, the Public Council or the Council of Yerevan decide to exclude a member from the Party or to terminate his membership in the Party.

** A member of a political Party may be brought to disciplinary responsibility for failure to fulfill his duties, failure to perform, deficiencies in the disciplinary proceedings in the Party and failure to comply with decisions of the higher authorities of the Party. Party members may be subject to disciplinary action by the governing body of the Party, the regional Council, the Public Council or the Council of Yerevan. The following types of disciplinary liability can be applied:
i. reprimand;
ii. severe reprimand;
iii. expulsion from the Party.

Bright Armenia Party Donation

Bank transfer data :
RECEIVER: Bright Armenia Party
RECEIVER’S ACCOUNT NUMBER: 15700 23422420100
Or card transfer: 5526 5501 0009 6542 ArKa CARD

RECEIVER’S BANK: Ameriabank, Yerevan, Armenia
RECEIVER: Enlightened Armenia Party
RECEIVER’S ACCOUNT NUMBER: 15700 23422420101

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