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All posts from Join Botswana Democratic Party Membership

Organisation : Botswana Democratic Party
Facility Name : Join BDP Membership
Country : Botswana
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How to Join BDP Membership?

Membership of the Party entails a heavy responsibility that demands high political and moral qualities as well as selfless dedication to the cause of the Party which is the cause of the People.

Membership Requirement

** Membership of the Party is voluntary and open to all Batswana who accepts the Party’s policies and programmes of actions and are not members of other political Parties or organizations whose policies and inspiration are incompatible with those of the Party.
** Associate members shall be persons include corporate persons who wish to demonstrate their sympathy to the Party and its objectives. Individuals associate members shall pay an annual membership subscription fee as prescribe from time to time.
** They shall, however, be expected to sign an application for membership and make such subscription to Party funds, or contribute in kind as they may freely wish to.

Application For Membership

1. A person desiring to join the Party shall submit application orally or in writing, to the appropriate Party officials in the particular Branch where they shall be enrolled;

2. No person shall be a member of more than one Branch, but if any member changes place of residence from the area of one Branch to another Branch, and Branch membership is determined by place of residence, the member shall forthwith notify the Secretary of the Branch at which he/she was resident, who shall forthwith ensure that membership of that Branch is terminated, and shall inform the Secretary of the Branch in whose area the member now resides, that the member is now a member of such second Branch.

3. The same shall apply, mutatis mutandis, should a member wish to change Branch Membership from place to residence, to that of employment, or vice versa.
4. The applicable Branch membership registers shall be amended accordingly.

5. Any person who is admitted to membership of the Party after being the member of another political Party, or of an organisation whose policies and aspirations are incompatible with those of the Party may not be eligible for election to any Party office, public office (Member of Parliament or Councillor) for a period of two years after admission, save that the Central Committee may dispense with this provision at its discretion, in respect of any member or applicant.

Membership Fees

1. No person shall be admitted as a member of the Party until all membership fees are fully paid.
2. Each member shall pay an annual subscription fee.
3. The amounts of such fees shall be determined by the Central Committee from time to time.
4. Such fees shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Branch at which the Applicant applies for membership of the Party, or of which the person is a member, as the case may be.
5. Upon the pre-requisites for membership having been fulfilled, the Secretary of the Branch in question, will duly record that the applicant is a member of the Party and of the Branch, in the Branch membership register.

6. Should any member not pay the annual subscription fee such member shall cease to be a member in good standing; shall not be entitled to hold any office in the Party; if an office-holder, will be suspended from such office; will not be entitled to vote at any Party meeting.These disabilities will cease immediately upon such member having paid arrear subscriptions.

7. If, however, owing to a member having been replaced in any office held by reasons of suspension from such office arising out of non-payment of fees, shall not be returned to such office upon payment of the arrear fees, but the person who had taken his/her place, will remain in such office.

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