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New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party : Apply For Membership

Organisation : New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Facility Name : Apply For Membership
Country : New Zealand
Website :

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How To Apply For New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party Membership?

Join to New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party Membership and make our outdoors a free new zealand thousands are joining us every day. Help us build a free NZ for the future. Join today

Steps to Apply for Membership in Online:
Just follow the below steps to apply for New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party Membership

Related / Similar Facilities : New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party Renewal

Step 1 : Go to the above link
Step 2 : Click the link “Join”
Step 3 : Read the description about membership.
Step 4 : Fill the Membership form with your details
Step 5 : Enter the given captcha
Step 6 : Click on “Sign up” button.

Steps to Apply for Membership in Offline:
You can also use our ‘offline’ application form.

Download application form :

You will need to print and return the completed form to us at:
The Secretary
NZ Outdoors Party
Freepost Authority 252122
PO Box 1546
Nelson 7040

** Your Membership Fee of $10 can be paid by bank transfer to our Kiwibank account number 38-9017-0320052-00. Or you may enclose payment with your form – cheques should be made payable to ‘NZ Outdoors Party’.

Join the New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party

** Why can’t elected members can’t keep their promises (mandates) from election time – but put arbitrary mandates on Kiwis which impact their ability to work and engage in community life?
** Help us ask the important questions!
** Your support will help us advocate and lobby for issues that affect us all, ensuring that the NZ government acts in accordance with old-fashioned democratic principles, and works hard to make NZ a healthy environment for us all to live in.
** We will keep you informed regularly through newsletters and we will seek your opinion on issues as they arise. We are determined that this will be a party by the members for the members.
** The Membership Fee is just $30 for three years – but your support is priceless.
** We look forward to welcoming you as an NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party Member,
** Alan (President) & Sue & Donna (Co-Leaders).

The New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party promotes

** Democracy where people play an active role in decision making, knowing their views are valued and will be listened to.
** Freedom from excessive government and international interference in the lives of New Zealanders’;
** More self-sufficiency for New Zealand and New Zealanders’,
** Better care of our water, land, soil, wildlife and of our people.
** Natural and organic regenerative approaches to agriculture to promote community wellbeing and thriving rural communities and local businesses.
** Transparent representation and informed decision making which will promote a long-term vision for protecting and promoting the interests of all New Zealanders, our children and grandchildren.

Health Care Policy Of New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party

** The Outdoors Party believes that the most important thing a person can possess is the gift of good health and the most important thing a government can do is to ensure the health of the nation.
** We envision a world class system that is based on a regenerative and holistic approach to health that combines conventional and complementary approaches.
This system would take an integrated approach to biological, functional and environmental medicine and lifestyle that will inform, educate and empower the patient, their family/whanau and their community to create and maintain their own health and well-being.
** Health, housing and education are the basic requirements of individual welfare as well as being essential for the prosperity and effective functioning of a modern society” (Australian economist, Peter Self)

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