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New Zealand New Conservative Party : Apply For Membership

Organisation : New Zealand New Conservative Party
Facility Name : Apply For Membership
Country : New Zealand
Website : newconservative [dot] org [dot] nz

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How To Apply For New Zealand New Conservative Party Membership?

Thank you so much for your support in deciding to join New Zealand New Conservative Party Membership. We value your desire to partner with us to help get our collective voices heard. Together we can obligate the government to represent the people once again and make a big difference to New Zealand.​

Steps to Apply for Member :
Just follow the below steps to apply for New Zealand New Conservative Party Membership
Step 1 : Go to the above link
Step 2 : Click on “Get Involved” link
Step 3 : Click on “Join Us / Volunteer” button
Step 4 : Fill the form by giving your personal details
Step 5 : Accept Terms and conditions
Step 6 : Click on “submit” button

Related / Similar Facilities : New Zealand Maori Party : Apply For Membership

Terms & Conditions of New Zealand New Conservative Party Membership

1. Generally.
Member agrees to pay the fees established for its Membership on a regular basis (but at least once every three years), as may be amended from time to time in accordance with the Constitution.
** Member shall not be a Member of any other political party. No dual membership is permitted.
** No internal New Conservative communication will be passed onto any other person working for another party.

2. Compliance with Policies.
** Member agrees to abide by, and shall have all applicable rights and obligations as set forth in the Constitution, the Privacy Policy, the New Conservative Principles (as outlined under “We Stand For” on the website) and any and all additional policies and procedures adopted by New Conservative, including the understanding that:
** “New Zealand culture is Western Culture, the combination of Democracy and Judeo/Christian principles, which includes personal accountability and corporate responsibility.
** This provides the freedoms, the fairness, and the environment to flourish that our nation is renowned for.
** New Conservative will uphold these foundational principles of our nation.”

3. Suspension and Termination.
** As per the Constitution, New Conservative shall have the right to suspend participation, or cancel the membership, of Member if it:
(i) fails to pay its fees on time, or
(ii) violates any of New Conservative’s Policies and Principles and fails to correct that breach within ten (10) days of notice from New Conservative leadership or staff, or
(iii) substantially, flagrantly or repeatedly violates any of New Conservative’s Policies or Principles.
No refunds of Membership fees or other payments will be given.

4. New Conservative Message.
** New Conservative is not a party of tolerance.
** New Conservative stands for what is right, proper, decent, and moral, and will oppose strongly but respectfully anything that isn’t.
** Comment must be consistent with party policy and public opinion critical of party policy is not permitted.
** If Member finds itself in conflict with New Conservative’s policies in its own conscience, it needs to discuss this with New Conservative Leadership.
** The message of New Conservative must be consistent.

Our Vision for New Zealand

** Our vision is for a united New Zealand that encompasses the individuality that continues to create it; a prosperous nation, truly free, and always manifestly democratic.
** Our vision is for a government which is for the people, and by the people; protecting life, freedom and property, while recognising equal rights, privileges and responsibilities of the individual.
** Our vision is for a nation with strong leadership that reflects the values New Zealanders have lived and breathed for generations and keeps precious the uniqueness that defines this great country – values such as the nurturing of our young, the honouring of our old, maximum opportunity, and the pride of achievement.
** This is the New Zealand we believe in. This is the New Zealand we passionately live for.

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