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IEC Wolesi Jirga & Provincial Council Elections Candidate Nomination FAQs Afghanistan

Organisation : Independent Commission of Afghanistan
Facility Name : Wolesi Jirga & Provincial Council Elections Candidate Nomination FAQs
Country : Afghanistan
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IEC Candidate Nomination

Candidate Nomination is the process administered by the JEMB through which Afghan citizens can apply to register as a candidate for the Wolesi Jirga or Provincial Council elections.

Candidate Nomination FAQs

When is the Candidate Nomination Period?
The Candidate Nomination Period will run for three weeks only from 30 April until 19 May.

Who can be a candidate in the election?
According to the Constitution, a candidate for the Parliamentary elections must:

** Be a citizen of Afghanistan or have obtained citizenship at least ten years earlier.
** Not be convicted of a crime against humanity, or a crime; or have been deprived of their civil rights by a court.
** Be at least 25 years old at the time of candidacy for the Wolesi Jirga and at least 35 years old at the time of candidacy or appointment for the Meshrano Jirga

Candidates must also:
** Present a list of voters who support their candidacy in the constituency in which they plan to stand for election (a list of 300 supporters’ signatures is required for the Wolesi Jirga and 200 for the Provincial Council elections)
** Be registered voters and able to present their voter registration card. Candidates who are not already registered will be able to register as voters at provincial offices when they present their nomination papers.
** Be nominated in only one constituency and compete in only one election (ie candidates cannot compete in both the Wolesi Jirga and Provincial Council elections).
** Submit nomination papers in person, so they can be photographed
** Provide a monetary deposit that will be returned if the candidate is elected or receives more than two percent of votes.
** Sign the Code of Conduct for Candidates

Candidates must NOT:
** Pursue objectives that are opposed to the principles of the holy religion of Islam and the word and spirit of the Constitution.
** Use or threaten force or propagate the use of force.
** Incite ethnic, linguistic, regional or religious tensions and discriminations.
** Endanger the rights or freedom of individuals or intentionally disrupt public order and security.
** Receive funds or in-kind contributions from illegal foreign or domestic sources
** Have unofficial military forces or be part of such forces at the time of candidacy

The total number of candidates for election will not be known until the end of the candidate nomination period, but it is estimated that between 5,000 and 10,000 candidates may wish to stand for election.

How can aspiring candidates nominate?
Candidate Nomination Offices will be established in each JEMBS Provincial Election Office. Applicants must register in the office in the Province of their constituency.

Who is barred from becoming a candidate?
** The Chief Justice, members of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General;
** All members of the Armed Forces including those under the Ministries of Interior, National Defense and the General Department of National Security
** Ministers, Governors, District and Municipal Administrators, and Directors of Ministerial Departments
** Electoral officials

All these people must resign from office at the time of nomination if they wish to be candidates for the Wolesi Jirga or Provincial Council elections.

In addition, judges and public prosecutors cannot become candidates unless they resign at the time of nomination. However if they are not elected, judges and public prosecutors may return to their offices within 20 days of the announcement of election results. Those who head unofficial military forces or are part of such forces at the time of candidacy are prohibited from participation.

What is the procedure for becoming a candidate?
Any registered voter is welcome to visit the Candidate Nomination Office, in the province they wish to contest, to apply in person to register as a candidate.

Applicants should be prepared to have their photograph taken for the ballot at the time of their application and must:

** Complete the Candidate Nomination Application Form
** Sign a Declaration of Eligibility
** Sign the Code of Conduct for Candidates
** Sign the Confirmation of Candidate Application Receipt
** Submit their deposit fee and supporters’ signatures
** Select a symbol, from a pre-defined list of symbols, to identify their candidacy on the ballot

Can a person stand as a candidate in both the Wolesi Jirga Election and the Provincial Council Election?
No. According to the Electoral Law, a candidate can contest a seat in only one constituency (province) and in only one election on the same day.

Contact Information

Address : Jalal Abad Road Paktia Kot Kabul, Afghanistan
Phone : 0790 692 159
Email :
Office Hours: Saturday – Wednesday 8:30am – 3:30pm and Thursday 8:30am – 01:30pm

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