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All posts from Voter ID Requirements : Elections New Brunswick

Organization : Elections New Brunswick
Facility : Voter ID Requirements
Province : New Brunswick
Country : Canada

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Voter ID Requirements :
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Voter ID Requirements :
Voter Identification :
** An elector is not required to show ID when voting in a New Brunswick provincial or municipal election.
** However, when you arrive at the polling station, you are required to state your name and address to the poll worker so that they can find your name on the List of Electors.
** If you are a first time voter who needs to be added to the voter’s list identification will be required.
** To get added to the voters list you must first meet the qualifications to vote and provide one or more pieces of ID that between them show your name, current address and signature.
(A New Brunswick driver’s license contains all three and is the ideal piece of identification).

VoterID :
Other options may include :
** lease agreements,
** utility bills,
** student IDs,
** other documentation that provides the above three requirements, or having a friend already on the voters list vouch for your residency.

** If you don’t have identification documents, you may also have an eligible elector who is on the List of Electors at the polling station vouch for you, and swear an oath that you meet the qualifications to vote.
** If you need to add your name, correct or update your personal information, you may contact the local Returning Office or you can make the change when you go to the polls to vote.
** You can also call Elections NB to update your personal information.
** Everyone who is on the voters list is mailed a Voter Information Card before the election telling them the address of their polling station as well as the dates and times of advance and ordinary polling

Am I Eligible to Vote? :
Elections New Brunswick is responsible for administering the electoral process for Provincial Elections, Municipal Elections as well as the election of District Education Council (DEC) and Regional Health Authority (RHA) members.
Provincial Elections have a fixed date and are held every four years on the fourth Monday of September to elect Members of the Legislative Assembly.

Voters Away from Home :
Student1 :
Many people are away from where they would ordinarily live, either working or attending school, and want to know if they can still vote in a New Brunswick provincial election. Students have the option to vote for a candidate in the electoral district where they normally reside or for a candidate in the electoral district where they live while attending school. They must have lived in the province for forty days prior to Election Day and must also meet the standard qualifications to vote.

Student2 :
In order to vote in New Brunswick, one must be a Canadian Citizen, at least 18 years of age by Election Day, have been ordinarily resident somewhere in New Brunswick for at least 40 days before Election Day, and be ordinarily resident in the riding where you apply to vote. Students who are ordinarily resident in one electoral district of New Brunswick but are residing in a different electoral district for the purpose of attending a post-secondary institution, have the unique opportunity to have their name placed either on the voters list in their “home” electoral district and vote for a candidate in that electoral district, or to have their name placed on the voters list for the electoral district where they are living while going to school, and vote for the candidate in that electoral district. Students from another province only temporarily residing in New Brunswick for the purpose of attending school do not gain the status of ‘ordinarily residence” which is necessary to vote. However, if a student from another province declares that he or she has decided to make New Brunswick their home or ‘ordinary residence’ and has been ordinarily resident for at least 40 days, that person can apply to be put on the voters list and to vote. Municipal, DEC & RHA elections also have a fixed date and are held every four years in May.

Qualifications to Vote in a Provincial Election :
A person is qualified to vote in a provincial election if he or she :
** is a Canadian citizen;
** will be eighteen years of age on or before polling day;
** has been or will have been ordinarily resident in the Province for a period of at least 40 days immediately before the election; and
** will be living in the electoral district on Election Day.

Qualifications to vote in a municipal, district education council or regional health authority election if he or she :
A person is qualified to vote in a municipal, district education council or regional health authority election if he or she :
** is a Canadian citizen;
** will be eighteen years of age on or before polling day;
** has been or will have been ordinarily resident in the Province for a period of at least 40 days immediately before the election; and
** will be living in the municipality, school district, or health region on Election Day

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