elections.eg Voting Process : High Elections Committee Egypt

Organisation : High Elections Committee
Facility : Voting Process
Country : Egypt

Voting Process : https://www.electionin.org/uploads/990-OCVotingProcessGuidelines-En.pdf
Home Page : https://www.elections.eg/

Procedures during the voting process :
First day of voting :
** The voting process will start at 9:00 a.m. The committee chair documents that in the record of the committee procedure (Form 8N) even if the representing of individual or list candidates do not show up. Voters queuing outside the voting station can login according to their showing up time. (Priority is given to the elderly and disabled).

** The Sub-committee chair himself checks the identity of the voter through the national number card or the passport containing the national number. He also checks there is no phosphoric ink on the voter’s finger. For women in niqab, the sub-committee chair shall verify identity and verify there are no phosphoric ink marks on her hands. He may assign this to one of the ladies working for the committee. If the voter in niqabrefuses this, she will be denied voting.

** The committee chair sends the voter to the secretary of the sub-committee who will check if the voter’s name is in the voters’ script (Form 8N), write down the last two digits of the national number of the voter in the designated space in the script. The voter signs or fingerprints opposite to his name in the designated space then the Committee Secretary signs in the assigned space next to the voter’s signature.

** The voter returns to the sub-committee chair to give him his own national identity card and receive from him the two cards of the individual system and list system after. The voter casts his vote in a voting booth. He then folds the two voting cards to put each one in its designated box, under the supervision of a staff committee assigned by the committee chair to do so. The voter puts the index finger of the right hand in phosphoric ink. After that, he takes his ID card and leaves the election hall.

** In case the voter violates of violation of voter any of the previous procedures, or commits any electoral offense, his national identity card is withheld. The event is documented in a report submitted to the chief of police force to send it to the public prosecution to start procedures.

** A person whose disability prevents him from casting his vote himself is entitled to request assistance from the sub-committee chair provided that he gives him his opinion orally in private. The committee chair then documents that opinion in the two voting cards. The voter signs or fingerprints in voters’ register. The committee chair documents that in the record of the committee procedures (Form 8N).  (A person who does not know how to read and write is not considered as disabled).

** If any of the sub-committee secretaries were temporarily absent and the process could not progress because of this absence, the sub-committee chair should name a replacement from the committee staff. If this was not possible, the work of the committee is suspended pending the assignment of a replacement for the absentee.

** The sub-committee chair shall notify the general committee so it assigns an alternative with the governorate HEC being informed of this. This should be documented in the record of the committee procedures.

** If the voting box is full during the election process, the sub-committee chair shall suspend voting. The box’s slit is sealed using a plastic lock whose serial number is documented in the record of the committee procedures. He then uses another box after making sure it is empty of any ballots. He locks it with the plastic locks whose numbers are documented in the record of the committee procedures

** Agents of individual candidates and agents of the, representatives of lists may observe the voting process after presenting their individual relevant authorizations without compromising the voting process.

** Civil society organizations, international organizations, visitors, and the media personnel holding an HEC permit have the right to observe the voting process. The subcommittee chair shall ensure implementing that right without compromising the voting process.

Categories: Egypt
Tags: elections.eg
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