elections.eg Pre-Voting Procedure : High Elections Committee Egypt

Organisation : High Elections Committee
Facility : Pre-voting procedure
Country : Egypt

Pre-voting procedure : https://www.electionin.org/uploads/987-OCVotingProcessGuidelines-En.pdf
Home Page : https://www.elections.eg/

Pre-voting procedures :
Sub-committee chairs shall report to the headquarters of the relevant courts supervising their sub-committees at the specified time to receive the ballots and lists of voters (Form 6N).

On the elections day, the sub-committee chair shall be present at the related sub-committee headquarters by 8:00 a.m. to inspect its convenience and ensure that all the voting materials and tools are available, and to do the following :
Define the voting allotment; that is the building that allots the voting hall and the area around it in the limits that allow voters to easily cast their votes and allows him to secure it. He shall ask the security chief to maintain order within it and limit access to voters, individual candidates and their delegates and agents, representatives of the electoral list and their delegates and agents, observers from civil society organizations, international organizations, visitors, and media personnel holding an HEC permit (sample identification cards for each category are attached).

Verify that the following signs are visibly installed outside the election hall:
** A sign indicating the sub-committee number;
** A signboard showing the voting instructions;
** A sign illustrating how to vote;
** A sign illustrating how to use the phosphoric ink;
** A sign describing the permits to enter the voting stations;
** A sign illustrating breaks times;
** A sign citing the electoral crimes stipulated by the Political Rights Initiation Act;
** A sign illustrating how to seal the voting box.

Ensure there are no publicity materials (posters etc.) that may affect voters exist in the vicinity of the voting station. If such materials are there, the security force shall remove them immediately.

Ensure that the following are available:
** Two copies of the list of voters registered with the sub-committee (Form 7N). One copy will be installed outside the room and the other stays with the queue organiser.
** Record of committee procedures (Form 8N).
** Record of the first day closure (Form 9N), and record of opening the keeping location on the second day (Form 10N).
** Counting script (Form 11 N for the individual system and Form 11 N for the electoral list system).
** Records of counting procedures (Form 12 N for the individual system, Form 12 N for the electoral list system).
** Script of the counting outcome (Form 13 N for the individual system shall be handed to candidates’ delegates and agents, and Form 13 N for the electoral list system shall be handed to the representatives of lists).

Verify the following items are inside the voting station :
** A sufficient number of voting booths. These should be placed in a way that enables the committee chair to follow-up the voting process, while maintaining privacy where voters cast their votes with their backs visible to the chair;
** An adequate number of transparent plastic voting boxes on which sub-committee data and box numbers are fixed with adhesive tape;
** Voting needs (two bags, plastic locks, plastic sacks, plastic folders, securing adhesive, phosphoric ink, identification vests of the sub-committee secretaries, identification badges for delegates of candidates and delegates of the representatives of the list, stationary, red wax).

In case any of the above equipment or needs is not available, the sub-committee chair shall notify the general committee and shall mandate the delegate of police force securing the voting station to avail what is missing.

Once the sub-committee chair has checked the safety and integrity of the voting station, preparation for the voting process starts taking into consideration the following procedures :
** Verifying the personality of staff assigned to work with him in the committee by reading assignment letters and personal cards, then he will assign tasks among them and will specify the secretary of the committee, who shall sign in the designated space next to the voter’s signature in the script of voters (Form 6N), and locate their seating in the election hall, and identify voters’ queue organizer, and deliver to each of the above his identification vest.

Some committees will be equipped with an electronic reader with the operating technician.

** Verifying the personality of delegates and agents of individual candidates, delegates and agents of the representatives of list candidates through their specific individual mandates sealed by the Court of First Instance and locate their seating. If they are too numerous and may compromise the voting process, the sub-committee chair can conduct a draw among them to choose an appropriate number to attend the voting process, then he delivers each of the chosen an identification badge.

** The Sub-committee chair, in the presence of delegates of individual candidates and the delegates of the representatives of lists, shall verify the integrity of the voting boxes and that they are empty of any papers. He shall then lock the four sides of each box using the plastic locks that have serial numbers. These numbers should be documented in the record of the Committee procedures (Form 8N).

** The Sub-committee chair breaks up authenticity markings on voting box in front of the audience in the election hall.
He shall make sure that the following exist:
** Evaluation cards for individual system and list system making sure they match the number of registered voters in the committee. He shall stamp the cards with the seal of the committee.

** If there is any shortage in the above supplie s, the committee chair shall address the general committee to fulfill the shortage. At 9:00 a.m., the sub-committee chair announces the beginning of the voting process.

Categories: Egypt
Tags: elections.eg
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