nec.org.sd Where to Register to Vote : National Election Commission Sudan

Organization : National Election Commission
Facility : Where to Register to Vote
Country : Replublic of Sudan

Where to Register to Vote : nec.org.sd/en/voters/where-to-register/
Home page : nec.org.sd/en/

Where to register :
Registration Centres :
The voter registration process will take place in locations called registration centres.

What are registration centres? :
A registration centre Is the building or location where voter registration takes place. The registration centre will be converted into a polling centre on the Election Day. Most of the registration centres will be located in schools or in community meeting places.

Who will carry out registration?:
Registration teams shall carry out voter registration. Each team is composed of three staff members: head of registration team and two registrars. A registration team registers applicants in a registration centre, either static or mobile.

Static and mobile registration teams :
Some registration teams will be fixed in one location (generally areas with a large population) throughout the registration period, while the majority of teams will be moving around several locations. The mobile teams will not go to market places or public venues for registration. Instead they will go to specific registration locations and will stay in these locations according to a predetermined and publicly announced schedule. Applicants should go to the registration centre which is closest to their residence. The mobile registration teams movement schedule (opening time and date) will be announced in each area to enable the citizens of that area to register.

How many registration teams?
The NEC, In collaboration with the State High Committees, will appoint at least two registration teams in each state geographical constituency. Registration staff members are usually selected among the people of the geographical constituency who are expected to know the voters in their area.

Working hours:
Registration learns will be working for 30 days, from 8.00 am to 5:30pm everyday, 7 (seven) days a week. The State High Committees may extend working hours according to the needs.

Locations of registration centres :
The Stale High Committees, in collaboration with the Returning Officer and the Geographical Constituency Officers, shall announce the following :
** the locations of the static registration centres
** the movement schedule of mobile registration centre staff, including the period of stay and the dates in each location.

Registration and polling centres :
In general, registration centres will be converted into boiling centres. Voters can cast their votes in the same place where they registered. They cannot vote in other centres. Sufficient number of polling stations will be opened in each polling centre according to the numbers of registered voters in that centre.

Who can register and vote :
Who is eligible to be registered? :
Anyone who meets all the requirements below has The right to be registered :
** To be a Sudanese National
** 18 years of age or above
** To be mentally fit
** Resident of The geographical constituency where he/she wishes to register for at least three months before the registration closing date.
** Not to be registered in any other geographical constituency.

Categories: Sudan
Tags: nec.org.sd
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