ntec.nt.gov.au Enrolment FAQs : Northern Territory Electoral Commission Australia

Organisation : Northern Territory Electoral Commission
Facility : Enrolment FAQs
Country : Australia

Enrolment FAQs : https://ntec.nt.gov.au/
Home Page : http://www.ntec.nt.gov.au/

Enrolment FAQs :
Who is eligible to be on the roll? :
You are eligible to be on the Northern Territory electoral roll if you live in the Northern Territory and:
** are 16 years of age or over
** are an Australian Citizen (or a British Subject who was enrolled on a Commonwealth electoral roll on 25 January 1984), and
** have lived at your current address for at least one month.

If you are provisionally enrolled and turn 18 before or on a polling day, you can vote even though you may not have been 18 when the rolls for the election closed.

Do I have to enrol? :
You must enrol if you are 18 years of age or over and meet the other qualifications listed for an election above. If you are 16 years of age you can enrol provisionally and if you turn 18 after the close of rolls, but on or before polling day, you are eligible to vote.

How do I enrol? :
To enrol for the first time you will need to complete and sign an enrolment form.
There are a number of ways to access the form :
** complete the online form at aec.gov.au/enrol/ – you will still need to print the form, then sign and return it to the AEC or
** download the enrolment form from this website or
** pick up a copy of the application from any post office, local government council or any electoral commission (if you are picking up the form from an interstate office make sure it is suitable for the Northern Territory) or
** contact the NTEC and we will forward you a copy of the form.

I’ve changed my address, what do I do? :
Complete the online form at aec.gov.au/enrol/ – if you are just changing your address you do not need to print or sign the form. Alternatively you may complete an enrolment form. If your new address is in a different electoral division you must have lived at your new address for at least one month before re-enrolling. If you have not changed your enrolment before the rolls close you must vote for the address for which you are currently enrolled.

Can I enrol on behalf of another person? :
No. Each elector must personally apply for enrolment. If a person is disabled or unable to sign their name, special arrangements can be made.

How do I find out if I am on the roll? :
There are a number of ways you can check your enrolment details :
** Use the AEC’s online enrolment verification facility
** View the electoral roll in electronic format at the NTEC or AEC offices in Darwin and Alice Springs or other States’ electoral offices
** Phone or email us

Can I enquire about another person’s enrolment status? :
Yes, using any of the methods listed above. If you telephone or email us seeking enrolment details about a third person, we will limit our response to confirming (or otherwise) the details you have given us. However you may come to any Australian or State Electoral Commission office and search the electronic electoral roll.

Is my enrolled NT electoral division likely to have changed since the last NT election? :
Maybe – as a result of electoral boundary redistribution which is undertaken before every general election. If you are unsure, check your enrolment online or look up the NT division profiles.

I haven’t been enrolled for some time, will I be penalised? :
No. The NTEC’s main interest is to ensure you, as an eligible person, exercise your rights and obligations to enrol and vote in all relevant elections. The Electoral Act specifies that once you submit a completed electoral enrolment form, there is no provision to prosecute you for not being on the roll, no matter how long it is since you allowed your enrolment to lapse. Be assured that you may re-enrol to vote without any fear of incurring a penalty.

Is there a cut-off date for receiving my enrolment form for an election? :
Yes. The rolls close from two to four weeks (depending on the type of election) before each election. More details on specific roll close dates are on the elections page. Your enrolment form must be received by the NTEC or AEC before the close of the electoral roll, to enable the NTEC to prepare the electoral roll for the election.

I am on the federal roll, am I automatically on the NT roll for Legislative Assembly and Council elections? :
Yes. The AEC and the NTEC use a joint roll. The roll is maintained by the AEC.

Are there any people who cannot enrol? :
Yes. A person cannot enrol if he/she :
** is of unsound mind;
** was convicted of treason and has not been pardoned, or
** does not fulfil the Australian citizenship and resident requirements.

I’m married to an Australian, can I enrol? :
Just being married to an Australian citizen does not qualify you for enrolment.

I’m a British Subject and was on the roll, can I re-enrol? :
If you were enrolled on a Commonwealth roll on 25 January 1984 you are entitled to (and should) re-enrol. If you are unsure as to whether you were enrolled at that date, contact the AEC.

I’ve just applied to become a citizen, can I enrol? :
You cannot enrol or vote until you are a citizen.

Where can I view the roll? :
The electoral roll is available in electronic format and may be viewed at the NTEC office , or any AEC or state electoral commission offices. The electoral roll is no longer produced in paper (or microfiche) format.

Public information about an elector is limited to :
** full name
** enrolled address, and
** name of electoral areas, including Legislative Assembly division, council area and ward where applicable.

How recent is the electronic version of the roll which is available to the public? :
The electronic version of the electoral roll is updated daily.

Is there a charge for searching the electronic version of the roll? :

Can I purchase an electoral roll? :
No. The electoral roll is not available for purchase.

Who else has access to electoral roll information? :
Registered political parties are provided with a full copy of the NT electoral roll upon request. Sitting Members of the Legislative Assembly are provided with a copy for their NT electoral division on a monthly basis. Under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, certain Commonwealth government agencies can access enrolment information that is not publicly available.

In accordance with the Northern Territory Electoral Act 2004 allows enrolment details to be made available to :
** Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly and registered political parties.
** The Sherriff for the preparation of jury rolls.
** Approved medical research programs.

Why do people have access to the electoral roll? :
The roll is a public document which lists the names and addresses of electors enrolled to vote in government elections. In the interests of transparency, you have a legal right to access the electronic version of the electoral roll. Public access allows you to check enrolment details and initiate updates or corrections and provides a safeguard against the manipulation of roll records.

Categories: Australia
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