Register to Vote : Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission Kenya

Organisation : Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
Facility : Register to Vote
Country : Kenya

Register to Vote :
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IEBC Register to Vote

** It is your constitutional right to be registered as a voter.
** All you need is to present some form of identification to IEBC’s registration officials.

Related : IEBC Kenya Frequently Asked Questions FAQs :

** This may be a national Identity Card (ID) or a valid passport.
** You will be required to identify yourself with the document you registered with when voting.

You are eligible to register as voter if you are :
** A Kenyan citizen
** Aged 18 years and above
** Have a national ID or a Passport

Your rights as a voter :
** An adult citizen shall exercise the right to vote specified in Article 38 (3) of the Constitution in accordance with the Elections Act.
** He or she must, among other requirements, be registered in the Principal Register of Voters.

A voter has the responsibility and obligation to :
** Report election offences as soon as possible to Designated IEBC Security Officers desks, Designated Peace Committees or the nearest Police Station
** Conduct campaigns in a peaceful manner and to ALWAYS adhere to the laws, rules and regulations guiding elections in Kenya
** Participate in the election by coming out to vote

Why Register

** Voting provides an opportunity to choose a leader of your choice
** Voting provides an opportunity to vie in elections. By law, only registered voters are allowed to vie for elections.
** You safeguard your rights and freedoms as provided for in the constitution
** You give legitimacy to leaders. By electing their leaders, voters give their consent to be led by whoever they have chosen and to reject those who fail to sufficiently represent their interests.

Registration Centres

The IEBC has over 33,000 registration centres across the 290 constituencies. These registration centres become polling centres during elections. Continuous voter registration is going on at constituency offices. It will be rolled out to Wards and registration centres once funds are available to carry out the exercise. It should be noted that the on-going registration of voters in an incremental exercise. We register only those who were not registered in the run up to the General Elections in 2013.Download the list of the registration/polling centres here.

Diaspora Voter

** The Constitution of Kenya stipulates legislation of a framework for the progressive registration of citizens residing outside Kenya, and the progressive realization of their right to vote (Article 82, section (1) subsection (e). In working to achieve this mandate, IEBC is developing detailed regulations and procedures on Diaspora registration and voting and will submit the same to Parliament at least 6 months before the general elections as required by law.

** This requires a consultative process that needs the input of Kenyans in the Diaspora, Civil Society Organisations and consensus amongst political parties and consideration of international best practices.

Key considerations for the process include:
costs, the impact of Diaspora voting on domestic politics, logistics and other operational issues. Diaspora voting comes with administrative challenges such as security and transportation of electoral materials, voter education and training.

** Some jurisdictions define the eligibility of the Diaspora voter by the number of years lived abroad. There is need to identify agents and observers.

Categories: Kenya

View Comments (36)

  • I lost my voter card. So I went to ask the next step to those guys doing registrations. The guy just read my name and told me there are no procedures only to go with my ID during elections.

  • I want to transfer my polling station from Yatta, Huduma primary to Chemnoet primary Nandi county. Is it possible online?

  • I registered as a voter on March this year and lost my voter card on April this year. When I went to Huduma House Nakuru, I was told to wait till the registry is out. When can I replace my voters card?

  • I would like to apply for a job as voterstra assistant. How do I go about it? When will it be? What are the requirements?

  • I was applying for a bursary of CDF and was asked to take my voter's card but I didn't have.
    I voted on last post election but wasn't issued with one, where and how will I get one?

  • Can I still register since I never registered as a voter and I am now in need of doing so.

  • I registered in 2012 and I still have the card. I need to register again or I can use same card to vote?

  • I registered at Nyeri town constituency towards 2013 election. I later moved to Nairobi before voting. Today I went to change my constituency to Westland but after filling the form, I wasn't issued with a voting card. They told me that my ID is enough. Is it in order? Can I vote with my vote with my ID only?

  • I would like to register as a voter in Meru. Is it possible to do registration at any pooling centre here in Kisumu so that I can vote in Meru or I have to travel to Meru and register there?


    • From the Website :

      At the moment one cannot confirm his/her registration status via SMS. However plans are underway to make the use of SMS and the IEBC website provide this service.

    • From the Website :

      You are eligible to register as voter if you are:
      A Kenyan citizen
      Aged 18 years and above
      Have a national ID or a Passport

    • From the Website :

      The 30-day Mass Voter Registration exercise runs from 15th February to 15th March, 2016.

  • I am from Kimilili constituency Bungoma County. What plans you are having as far as the issue of voters registration is concerned?

    • From the Website :

      The commission has only one principal register of voters which comprise of:
      ** a poll register in respect of every polling station;
      ** a ward register in respect of every ward;
      ** a constituency register in respect of every constituency;
      ** a county register in respect of every county; and
      ** a register of voters residing outside Kenya.

    • From the Website :

      Can a voter register in registration centre A and vote in polling station B?
      NO. One is supposed to register where he intends to vote. This is because a voter register is polling station specific. i.e. names of persons who registered in registration centre A will find their names in the register of voters for polling station A and not for polling station B or C or any other polling station.

  • I am a form four leaver since 2015 and I am 20 years and I would like to assist in register of voters as I wait for my KCSE results because after results I would like to join college that I will be required a lot of money.

    • From the Website :

      You are eligible to register as voter if you are :
      ** A Kenyan citizen
      ** Aged 18 years and above
      ** Have a national ID or a Passport

  • I am a Kenyan citizen of age 20 years of age. I am from Njoro constituency Njoro ward. I am an on going student in diploma in computer studies at rift valley Institute of science and technology,
    Can I apply for a job as a voter registration assistants also? As am in real needy of money.

    • From the Website :

      You should Be holder of a minimum of Diploma qualifications in ICT or other IT related field. © 2021 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map