pflt.org People’s Front of Liberation Tigers Sri Lanka : Official Website

Party : People’s Front of Liberation Tigers
Facility : How to Become a Member
Symbol : Tiger
Country : Srilanka

Home Page : pflt.org

People’s Front of Liberation of Tigers. (PFLT) :
Rules and Guide Lines. :
Name : People’s Front of Liberation Tigers (PFLT)
Aim : To liberate the oppressed and subjugated Tamils of Sri Lanka.
Objectives :
The group will fulfill the aim by:
** Promoting the health and well-being of the Tamils from Sri Lanka who are traumatised and need the proper help, by working together as a community, regardless of age, ability, sex, belief or political affiliation.
** To carry out and promote both environmental improvement and practical conservation, to educate, encourage and support the local population in environmental practice by working with statutory and non statutory agencies.
** Promoting sport, community recreation and play facilities.
** To raise funds and receive contributions where appropriate to finance the party and its activities.
** To publicize and promote the work.
** Open bank accounts.
** Make rules and standing orders for categories of members and their rights.
** Organize meetings, awareness courses and events.
** Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice with them.
** Take any action that is lawful, which would help it to fulfill its aims.

Alteration of the Constitution :
(a) Proposals for amendments to this constitution or dissolution (see Clause 11) must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice.
(b) Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.

Finance :
(a) Any money obtained by the group shall be used only for the group.
(b) Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of the PFLT. Any cheque issued shall be signed by at least two of any three nominated signatures.
(c) The Management Committee will ensure that the group stays within the budget.

Committee Meetings :
(a) The committee shall meet at least four (4) times each year.
(b) The quorum for a meeting shall be five (5).
(c) The committee shall be accountable to the members at all times.
(d) All meetings must be in the form of minutes and available to any interested party.
(e) All committee members shall be given at least seven (7) days’ notice of a meeting unless it is deemed an emergency meeting.

General Public Meetings :
(a) The committee shall call at least two general public meetings each year, the purpose of these meetings is for the group to account for its actions and consider the regeneration and development of according to the group’s objectives.
(b) The chair of the group shall normally chair these meetings.
(c) At least fourteen (14) days’ notice of such a meeting must be given and advertised in at least five (5) public places.
(d) All meetings, including AGMs, must be in the form of minutes and available to any interested party.
(e) The quorum for a General Meeting is six (6).

Management :
(a) The PFLT shall be administered by a Management Committee of not less than three (3) people and not more than fifteen (15) members elected at the group’s Annual General Meeting, Committee Members must be at least 18 years old.
(b) The officers of the Management Committee shall be:
The Chairperson (The President)
The Treasurer
The Secretary and
Such other officers the group shall deem necessary at the meeting.
(c) The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month.
(d) At least five (5) Management Committee members must be present for the Management Committee meeting to take place.
(e) Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote then the chairperson shall have a second vote.
(f) Power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary who shall be accountable to the committee.

Categories: Srilanka
Tags: pflt.org
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