unitedconservative.ca Membership Application Canada : United Conservative Party of Alberta

Organisation : United Conservative Party of Alberta
Facility Name : Membership Application
Leader : Danielle Smith
Country : Canada
Website : https://www.unitedconservative.ca/take-action/membership/

United Conservative Party Membership Application

i. Requirements of membership:
** reside in Alberta, or have resided in Alberta for at least six months of the previous 12 months;
** are at least 14 years of age;
** be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
** personally authorize your application;
** support the principles of the Association; and
** have paid the prescribed fee, personally or through an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent)

ii. Continue below only if you meet each of these requirements that were created and approved by our members in our by-laws.
iii. Please note that membership purchases are non-refundable.

Download Membership Application Here : https://www.electionin.org/uploads/pdf2024/6254-e.pdf

UCP Membership Benefits

Our members are vital to the success of our party. Every member not only receives exclusive updates and features, but puts you directly in the driver’s seat. Your membership puts you in control. Alberta’s conservative movement can be strong because of your voice! Here’s what a membership can do for you:
** Help craft and vote on party policy
** Vote on who represents your voice on the party board of directors and at the constituency level
** Vote in party nominations to select who represents United Conservatives in your riding in the next provincial election

Membership Check

** Use our automated tool to verify the status of your membership. Please provide your full legal name and the email address associated with your membership. An email containing your membership details will be sent to you within 30 minutes.
** Please note, if you have recently joined or renewed your membership, it may take a few days for your application to be fully processed.
** This automated tool searches for exact matches only. If no result is found and you’re confident your membership is current, please don’t worry! Simply send us an email and we’ll be happy to investigate further.

United Conservative Party Donation

In accordance with the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act, only personal contributions from individuals ordinarily resident in Alberta are permitted. You cannot be reimbursed by a third party for the contributions you have made. Contributions from corporations, trade unions and other organizations are forbidden. An individual may contribute up to $5,000 per year in aggregate to political parties, constituency associations, candidates and leadership contestants.

FOR MONTHLY DONORS: Your first monthly donat ion will be processed on the date of the successful entry and completion of the supplied information to our credit card processing system.

About United Conservative Party of Alberta

Formed on July 22, 2017, the United Conservative Party of Alberta was elected to government by Albertans on April 16, 2019, and re-elected on May 29, 2023, with a mandate to stand up for Albertans and make Alberta as strong and free as it can be.

Statement of Principles :
As a party, we stand united on the following principles that guide our vision for a stronger Alberta:
** A robust civil society made up of free individuals, strong families, and voluntary associations.
** Freedom of speech, worship and assembly, without government or corporate censorship of mainstream or social media.
** Affirm the family as the building block of society and the means by which citizens pass on their values and beliefs and ensure that families are protected from intrusion by government.
** Economic freedom in a market economy which encourages the creation of wealth through free enterprise, and protection of the right to own, enjoy and exchange property.
** Limited government, including low levels of taxation to help generate economic growth while allowing Albertans to enjoy the fruits of their own labour.
** Fiscal responsibility, including balanced budgets, debt reduction, and respect for taxpayers’ money.
** Protecting public safety as a primary responsibility of government.
** Control spending and dramatically reduce the size of government and encourage municipal governments to do the same.
** Protect and defend the ownership rights of Alberta to utilize its natural resources for the benefit of Albertans.

Categories: Canada
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