communistparty.org.uk Join Membership : Communist Party

Organisation : Communist Party
Facility Name : Join Membership
Country : Europe United Kingdom
Website : https://www.communistparty.org.uk/

How to Join Communist Party Membership?

** Apply to join us. We will contact you by your chosen method to confirm your CP membership. Use our secure online registration.
Join Now : https://members.communistparty.org.uk/join-now

Related / Similar Facility : Conservatives Abroad Party Join Membership

** Apply to join the Communist Party by paying an initial online registration fee (£6).
** Once you have registered an online application you will be contacted by a representative of your local Party branch for a membership interview. New members are only admitted to the Party on acceptance by their local CP organisation. If your application to join the Communist Party is refused, you will be refunded your online registration fee, with £1 retained to cover administration costs.
** Please note if you apply to join and withdraw your application, your application fee is not refundable.
** Communist Party dues vary from £1 to £50 per month depending on members’ income.
** You must be aged 16 or above to join the Communist Party. (If you are aged between 16 and 29 your application will be referred for complimentary membership to the Young Communist League (YCL). If accepted into Party membership, you can decline complimentary membership of the YCL by notifying the central office.)
** It has been reported that certain payments made by credit/debit cards fail due to PayPal only accepting payments from cards with 3-D Secure authentication. If you encounter this issue, please email membership[AT]communistparty.org.uk and we will process your application, centrally.

NOTE: Please ignore the ‘Failed to update contribution in database’ message that appears upon making payment. This is a technical issue and you can rest assured that we will have received your registration fee.

Why You Should Join The Communist Party?

** Now is the time to join the Communist Party.
** Capitalism in Britain is a bankrupt system – economically, politically and ideologically.
** It has nothing to offer working people; except more poverty, more oppression, more war and the destruction of our planet.
** But our lives don’t have to be this way. Working people are the authors of history. We have the power to change everything.
** There has never been a more important time to join the fight for socialism.
** Join the Communist Party today.
** The Communist Party is a united party, growing throughout England, Scotland and Wales especially amongst young workers and union and women’s movement activists.

About Communist Party

** Founded in 1920, Britain’s Communist Party brought together militant socialists and trade unionists who understood the need for a revolutionary change in society.
** They had been repelled by the mass slaughter of the 1914-18 Great War, when the leaders of the labour movement sided with the British ruling class against rival imperialist powers. They were inspired, too, by the founding of the world’s first workers’ state in Soviet Russia.
** Since then, Britain’s Communist Party has been in the frontline of the political class struggle, fighting for working class interests against exploitation and oppression, in favour of human liberation and socialism.
** Despite the imprisonment of its leadership, the Party played an outstanding role in the 1926 General Strike. Throughout the 1930s, it organised mass movements of unemployed workers and housing tenants.
** The mass trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932, led by Young Communist League members, eventually changed the law to allow rights for ramblers on private landed estates.

Categories: United Kingdom
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