da.org.za Apply Democratic Alliance Membership

Organisation : Democratic Alliance DA
Facility Name : Apply for Membership
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.da.org.za/

How to Apply for DA Membership?

** Please make sure you read and understand the following section from the Democratic Alliance Federal Constitution in order to qualify for membership.
**  Every person wishing to become a member of the Democratic Alliance must
1. be 16 years of age or older: provided that all members 16 years or older until they attain the age of 31, will automatically be members of the Democratic Alliance Youth unless they indicate to the contrary.

2. be a citizen or a permanent resident of South Africa;
3. subscribe to the Values, the Principles, the Programme of Action and the Mission Statement of the Party;
4. agree to abide by the constitution of the Party;
5. apply in writing to become a member of the Party, by signing the prescribed membership application form, or by making an application electronically online
6. comply with any condition set by the Federal Council or Federal Executive from time to time; and
7. personally pay the membership subscription applicable to the period of membership applied for. What constitutes personal payment will be regulated by the Federal Executive from time to time.

Apply Membership Here : https://membership.da.org.za/

Membership Costs of Democratic Alliance

Membership costs R10 per year and can be renewed for a maximum of 5 years.

Why do I need to login?

The login process is important because it helps us to secure your access to your membership information when you need to access it in the future.

FAQ on Democratic Alliance Donation

What is the Political Party Funding Act?
The Political Party Funding Act is legislation that regulates and aims to make the funding of political parties by private and public funders more transparent.

When does it come into effect?
The Political Party Funding Act was signed into law on 22 January 2021, with the Act coming into effect on 1 April 2021.

Can I still donate to the DA?
Political Parties may still receive donations, but the there are certain limitations on how much can be donated, where it may be received from and what a Party may spend it on.

Is my donation anonymous?
As of 1 April 2021, if you donate more than R100 000 per financial year, the Political Party must submit your details to the IEC for publishing on their website. Donations below R 100 000 do not need to be declared for publication.

Do I have to provide my information when I donate?
Part of the Political Party Funding Act is for each political party to keep detailed records of all donations received for auditing purposes. Only donations of R 100 000 and above must be disclosed to the IEC.

Can I make a donation in another person’s name?
No donation may be made to the DA in the name of another person.

What if I am uncomfortable with having my donation disclosed?
Should your donation be R 100 000 or more, the DA must disclose it to the IEC. During this disclosure process, the IEC requires the donor to verify and confirm that they made such a donation. Should you wish for the IEC not to publish your details, a request can be made directly to the IEC.

Can I make a donation if I’m a foreign citizen?
Yes you can. We won’t be able to use your donations towards our election campaigns or party political activities, but your donation will be used to fund internal training programmes, the development of skills and also development of the DA’s policies.

I already donate, can I use the same bank details?
The Act requires all political parties to use 1 registered bank account to for donations. That bank account information is listed on our website (add hyperlink). Please use this account for all future donations and your email address may be used as a reference.

Is there a limit on how much I can donate?
The Act limits local donations (from South African citizens, permanent residents, registered companies or registered trusts) to R 15 000 000 and those from foreign sources (from non-South African citizens, permanent residents, registered companies or registered trusts) to R 5 000 000 per 1 source, per financial year.

Is my donation tax deductible?
The DA is registered as a Political Party and therefore donations are not tax deductible.

Categories: South Africa
Tags: da.org.za
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