lpmparty.org Apply for Membership : Landless People’s Movement LPM Party

Organisation : Landless People’s Movement LPM Party
Facility Name : Apply for Membership
Country : Namibia
Website : https://www.lpmparty.org/

How to Apply for LPM Party Membership?

Apply to become a member today, Please fill in this form. Once done, press the submit button. Our office will contact you shortly.

Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.lpmparty.org/become-a-member/
Step-2 : Enter Full names
Step-3 : Enter Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Step-4 : Enter Place of Birth
Step-5 : Select Nationality
Step-6 : Select Gender
Step-7 : Enter Identity No
Step-8 : Enter Constituency/Suburb
Step-9 : Enter Region
Step-10 : Enter Cellphone No
Step-11 : Enter Email Address
Step-12 : Enter Date Joined (dd/mm/yyyy)
Step-13 : Enter Place Joined
Step-14 : Enter Recruited by
Step-15 : Enter Voter Registration No
Step-16 : Select Voted in last election (Yes/No)
Step-17 : Enter Occupation
Step-18 : Enter Address
Step-19 : Enter Email
Step-20 : Click on “Submit” Button.

Terms & Conditions of Membership

If you consider becoming actively involved Please indicate in which way you would like to contribute.
I hereby apply for membership in the Landless People’s Movement (Political Party), and declare as follows:
1. I voluntarily join the Landless People’s Movement (Political Party) without any motive of personal gain or benefit, except for the interest of the party and its objectives.
2. I am not/no longer a member of another political party and shall not join another political party wh member of the Landless people’s Movement (Political Party.
3. I will abide by the constitution, by-laws, rules, and codes of conduct established by the Landless Movement (Political party).
4. Except when relating to my own personal details, I irrevocably waive my right Imay have to view the n register of the Landless people’s Movement (Political Party), and shall not make any such requests.
I consent to my membership details being sent to the LPM (Political Party) Head Quarters for membership statistics and data protection.
5. I shall supply two (2) passport photos which will be attached and will serve as a stamp of confirmation: on my behalf.
6. I am aware that it’s a criminally punishable offense to make a false declaration.
7. I shall pay a joining fee of N$35.00, plus ongoing annual dues of the s amount as set by 1 National Executive Committee.
8. I understand that all payments are final and non-refundable
This document is highly confidential and must be behandled as such
For any further inquiries, kindly contact the Administrative Officer, Mr J JHumpries at 061 – 400 693 or 081 786 7724

About Landless People’s Movement

** The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) is a political party registered with the Electoral Commission of Namibia on 8 February 2019.
** It was formed as a spontaneous government response to elite capture of the land reform programme by bureaucrats at the expense of the landless working class, urban dwellers, peasants, and land dispossessed at a time of increasing calls for genocide reparations.
** Urban land crisis, land reform, and agrarian reform pre- occupies daily struggles of LPM. Our task right now is to take over the government and form an alternative caring government for all, putting people first, and restoring our people’s dignity essentially.
** The party has four seats in parliament. This 4 seats are occupied by the Party’s President, Bernadus Swartbooi, Mootu Utaara, Isaacks Edison and Seibeb Henry.

Our Priorities :
Our Guiding Principles towards Liberty, Equality and Justice for All Namibians
Liberty – Together we can build a stronger economy, healthier families and a more
Equality – Together we can build a stronger economy, healthier families and a more
Justice – Together we can build a stronger economy, healthier families and a more

Categories: Namibia
Tags: lpmparty.org
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