party.coop Join Co-operative Party Membership

Organisation : Co-operative Party
Facility Name : Join Membership
Country : England, UK
Website : https://party.coop/join/

How to Join Co-operative Party?

We are the political voice of the co-operative movement, working with the Labour Party to build a society where power and wealth are shared. The Co-operative Party is powered by the support of our thousands of members – join today and help us own the future.

Related / Similar Facility : Reform UK Party Join Membership, Volunteer & Donate

Applying to join the Co-operative Party :
By applying to join the Co-operative Party, you are making the following declaration:
** I declare myself a Co-operator.
** I agree to accept the rules and to promote the policy and values of the Co‑operative Party.
** I am not a member of any political Party other than the Labour Party or the Social Democratic and Labour Party.
** I am a member of a co‑operative recognised by the National Executive Committee of the Co‑operative Party.

You are also stating that you meet the Conditions of Membership as set out in the Co-operative Party Rule Book, including:
** You accept and conform to the Rules, principles and policy of the Party
** You are at least 14 years of age;
** You are on the electoral register at the address that you have provided in your application;
** You are not a member or supporter of a political organisation in opposition to an official Labour Group or other unit of the Labour Party.

Processing your application :
** When applying to join the Co-operative Party you will be asked for the name of a recognised co-operative you are a member of.
** If you don’t provide this information on your application, the Co-operative Party will contact you with further information. Your application will not be processed until this information has been received.
** Provisional membership rights start from the date you apply or when you confirm your membership of a recognised co-operative.
** Provisional membership rights last three months and during that time you can attend your Co-operative Party meetings in a non-voting capacity and your membership can be rejected – you would be advised in writing and depending on the reason you could have a right of appeal.
** You receive voting rights three months after your application for membership is processed, and you will be eligible to stand for election as an officer, delegate or representative of the Co-operative Party nine months after your application for membership is processed.

Why Join the Co-operative Party?

The Co-operative Party is powered by the support of our thousands of members – join today and help us own the future. As a member you can:
** Join the co-operative movement and show your support for an economy that gives people a say and a stake.
** Vote in selections for Labour and Co-operative candidates in your area or get support to stand for election yourself.
** Take part in local, regional and online meetings, to elect officers, develop our campaigns and set our policy platform.
** Build our campaigns on issues from food justice to fair trade, community assets, fair tax and public ownership.
** Get involved in our member-led equalities networks for BAME, Disability, LGBTQ+, Women and Youth members.
** Receive a Co-operative Party membership card and regular updates, including copies of The Pioneer magazine.

How Much Does Membership Cost?

We have a variety of membership fees to make membership of the Party more accessible.
Our 2021 membership subscriptions are:
** Solidarity Rate (includes additional donation) – £5.20 per month
** Standard Rate – £3.20 per month
** Reduced Income Rate (includes students) – £2.20 per month
** Youth (14-19) – £3 per year

More information :
** Full membership rules and procedures are available in the Co-operative Party Rule Book.
** For more information about the Terms & Conditions for Co-operative Party membership please email membership[AT]party.coop or phone 020 7367 4151.

Categories: England
Tags: party.coop
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