Election Commission of Sri Lanka How To Registered Political Party?

Organisation : Election Commission of Sri Lanka
Facility Name : How To Registered Political Party?
Country : Sri Lanka
Website : https://elections.gov.lk/en/political_party/political_party_how_register_party_E.html

How To Registered Sri Lanka Election Political Party?

Calling for applications :
** A political party is treated as a recognized political party for the purpose of election under the section 7 of the Parliamentary Elections Act No 1 of 1981 as amended by Parliamentary Elections (Amendments) Act No 58 of 2009.

** The Elections Commission publishes a newspaper notice before January 31 every year (if the law has not directed otherwise) calling for applications. However, if an election is announced during the month of January, the notice is published after the lapse of 30 days from the date of poll of such election.

** The application to get a political party recognized should be submitted to the Election commission by the secretary of the party.

What are the documents to be submitted with the applications?
1 Copy of the constitution of the party.
2 The list of office-bearers of the party (at least one female office-bearer should be included).
3 Statements of audited accounts of the party.
4 The current policy declaration of the party.
5 All documents and reports to prove that the party has been politically active continuously.

FAQ on Political Parties

What are the criteria considered by the Election Commission to consider an application of political party for recognition?
(i) All the documents required to be submitted are in place.
(ii) Major office bearers (including a female official) is present at the inquiry convened by the Election Commission.
(iii) Election Commission is satisfied that the party is a political party.
(iv) Election Commission is satisfied that the party is capable of contesting elections under the Parliamentary Elections Act No 1 of 1981.
(v) (a) The party has been engaged in politics continuously at least for the last four years or
(b) At least one out of two candidates fielded by the party has been successful at the Parliamentary Election held immediately before the date of making the application, or
(c) The Commission is satisfied that at least three out of five candidates fielded by the party has been successful or the Provincial Councils election held immediately before the date of making the application.

Will the application be rejected if the party fails to submit one out of all documents which are directed to be submitted?

Can the party submit one out of all documents which have been directed to be submitted with the application, after the lapse of the last date of making application?
The party can make such late submission, but the application is rejected by this very reason

How can a party submit an application again when its application for recognition is rejected by the Commission?

No application can be made for a period of one (1) year from the date of rejection by the Commission.

What are the documents to be submitted by the recognized political parties and the norms that should be followed?
(i) The constitution of the party, list of office bearers of the party and the political plan of work should be submitted to the Commission within a period of three months from the date of recognition as a political party.
(ii) A copy of the statement of annual accounts should be submitted to the Commission.
(iii) When the constitution of the recognized political party is amended, such amendment should be submitted to the Commission within a period of 30 days with in a period from the date of amendment.
(iv) When the office bearers of the party changed, such change should be informed to the Commission before the expiry of 30 days.
(v) Every recognized political party should hold at least one general meeting for a year. Procedures of the general meeting should be specifically mentioned in the constitution.
(vi) Names of the constituting parties and the names of officials of a coalition of two or more political parties should be informed to the Commission.

When does the right to be treated as a recognized political party cease?

(i) The recognized political party fails to act according to the provisions in the section 8 of the Parliamentary Elections Act No 1 of 1981.
(ii) The party does not field at least one candidate at two consecutive Parliamentary elections.

Code of Conduct for Political Parties

** The Code of Conduct for political parties and candidates was issued by the then Department of Elections for the first time with the Provincial Councils Elections held in 2012.
** The secretaries of political parties, party representatives and representatives of observer organizations have agreed with this Code at the Committee for Investigation of Election Complaints at all elections held since 2012.

** It should be noted that this revised Code issued by the Election Commission is applicable to those who hold leading position such as leaders and secretaries, candidates, activists and supporters of all political parties contesting at elections, representatives of the Provincial Council and Local Authorities, all activists of the political parties, supporters of the candidates, independent group leaders and their candidates.

Rule of Law :
01. Uphold the citizens’ rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws of Sri Lanka, assist and encourage the voter to exercise the franchise to elect people’s representatives at elections and vote at referenda freely and without any obstruction.
02. Safeguard the equal rights that the candidates of all political parties and independent groups are entitled to at all times in the election process.
03. Respect the rights of all political parties and candidates and their right to educate the voter, while safeguarding the right of those with opposing views to hold their views and their right to carry out lawful promotional activities.
04. Refrain from obstructing or interfering in any manner with government, semi-government, private or other institutions established under law from carrying out their legitimate activities and responsibilities.
05. Refrain from obstructing or influencing institutions and personnel vested with the responsibility of maintaining law and order in the country, from carrying out their legitimate duties.
06. Ensure that propaganda activities are carried out without violating existing laws and without interfering with the life of the ordinary citizen.
07. Educate all the candidates and activists on the laws (particularly the sections of the Acts) relating to elections and advise them to refrain from committing offences, corrupt practices and illegal activities.
08. Refrain from touching or removing of material, equipment and documents assigned to be used during the conduct of the poll or the counting of votes, without obtaining approval from the relevant authority.

General Conduct :
01. Refrain from any activity, expression or behavior which could create or aggravate differences, hatred and tension between Sri Lankans of different religions, languages, races, customs and castes.
02. Limit criticisms of other political parties or independent groups to their policies, programmes and their past activities and refrain from criticizing the private life of candidates or making statements or allegations that are not prove and unsubstantiated against candidates of the same party or other parties.
03. Select candidates who can devote themselves to the future well-being of the citizens of Sri Lanka by fulfilling the objectives of the constitutional bodies to which they are to be elected, and who conduct their campaigns in a disciplined and decent manner.
04. Select candidates based on their past conduct and good behavior, respect for the law, non conviction before courts, dedication to serve the society etc., avoid persons who use their wealth or social status to the detriment of society.
05. Submit the declaration of assets and liabilities of candidates at the time of handing over nominations or before the expiry of 30 days after nomination period.
06. Educate candidates/agents not to smoke or consume liquor or intoxicants inside polling stations or enter polling stations counting centres and result declaration centre after consuming liquor.
07. Adhere to the instruction that only those who are permitted shall enter the nomination centers or polling stations or counting centers or results declaration centers as well as their premises and act in accordance with the directive not to take weapons to such places.
08. Candidates to abstain from engaging in prohibited election related activities and prevent his/her supporters from engaging in such activities.

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