WisDems Membership Join Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Organisation : Democratic Party of Wisconsin WisDems
Facility Name : Membership Join
Country : United States
Website : https://wisdems.org/membership2/?refcode=mem-website-menu

How to Join WisDems Membership?

**General Membership is $25 / year. This is the membership price per person.
** Pair or Family Membership is $35 / year. This is the membership price for two or more people who identify as family living under the same roof. (Fill out the survey in your receipt to let us know everyone’s names!)
** Student, Veteran, or Low-Income Membership is $10 / year. This is the membership price per student or individual with limited income.

Related / Similar Facilities : Join Democrats Abroad Member

** Your donation on this page gives you a one-year membership to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and your local county party and Congressional District parties.

Membership benefits include:
– Vote in party elections!
– Opportunity to become a delegate to the annual state convention
– A membership card

** After you donate, you’ll be taken to to an optional survey. Please fill it out if you’d like to join a WisDems Identity Caucus, High School Dems, College Dems, or Young Democrats of Wisconsin.

Contribution rules :
** I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
** This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
** I am at least eighteen years old.
** I am not a federal contractor.
** I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
** Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Ben Wikler, Chair. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, wisdems.org.
** Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
** Your contribution may be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act.
** Federal law also requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Membership FAQ

How much does a membership cost?
There are several different membership rates:
Standard – $25
Family (covers entire household) – $35
Low-income, Senior, Student – $10

How long is my membership good for?
Memberships are good for a calendar year, with it ending on the final day of the month that you joined. (ex. You join on January 5, 2024, your membership will expire January 31, 2025)

Does signing up for a membership in my county also make me a member of the State Party?
Yes it does! Memberships can be purchased through the state or county level, and provide equal benefit regardless of where you initially purchase from.

I live in a different state, can I still be a member?
Yes! Any out-of-state resident who purchases a DPW membership can opt to be “adopted” by a County Party of their choosing, or can remain as an out-of-state member without specifying a county to join.
Note: only in-state residents may qualify as DPW delegates for State Convention and Party business.

I lost my membership card/there is something incorrect with my membership card, can I get a new one?
Yes! Please email membership[AT]wisdems.org to request a new card with your name and mailing address. Cards are sent out monthly.

I made a contribution but my membership hasn’t been updated, what happened?
** Membership contributions occasionally get mischaracterized as other contributions; if you went through a particular contribution link and meant to have that contribution serve as your dues you can email membership[AT]wisdems.org to have that corrected.
** If you mailed a check email membership[AT]wisdems.org to have the correction made. Note: mailed membership may take a couple of weeks to process.

Where can I join?

You can join here, or send a check, with “membership” in the memo line, to
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
PO Box 1686
Madison WI, 53701

Don’t see your question here?
Feel free to reach out at membership[AT]wisdems.org for any other questions

I no longer want to be a member, where should I go to cancel?
We’re sorry to see you go and appreciate your time as a member! If you would like to cancel you can email us at membership[AT]wisdems.org

WisDems Membership Perks

** A personalized DPW Membership Card
** Exclusive access to special membership-only rate tickets at select WisDems’ events
** Ability to shape WisDems’ bi-annual platform
** Direct contribution to WisDems’ continuous efforts to keep Wisconsin blue up and down the ballot
** Ability to join WisDems Caucuses
** Ability to gain delegate status to WisDems annual State Convention
** Monthly Chair updates

Categories: United States
Tags: wisdems.org
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