Alliance Party Join United States : theallianceparty.com

Organisation : Alliance Party
Facility Name :  Join
Country : United States
Website : https://www.theallianceparty.com/

How to Join Alliance Party?

** A united America wins every time.
** Division has been the driving force in America since the beginning. We must unite and work together toward a new future.
** When we work together across different ethnic, religious, gender backgrounds – united beyond those things used to divide toward a common goal that benefits all of us, leaving no one behind we can build our communities and unify our country, and do this we must. Please get involved and engage with your neighbors, family and friends. We must inform voters of a new choice for America, for no one else will.
** We are counting on Americans with a new vision for our future…Now is the time to take the first small step. Join the Alliance Party today.
** Joining will automatically sign you up to receive the monthly newsletter. You may opt out at any time.

Related / Similar Facilities : WisDems Membership Join Democratic Party of Wisconsin

To Join Alliance Party follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.theallianceparty.com/join
Step-2 : Enter First Name
Step-3 : Enter Last Name
Step-4 : Enter Email
Step-5 : Enter Mobile phone
Step-6 : Enter – When is a good time to call?
Step-7 : Enter Address
Step-8: Enter City
Step-9 : Select State
Step-10 : Enter Zip Code
Step-11 : Click on “Submit” Button.

Why The Alliance Party?

** Politics and government have lost their way in America. The people have been left out of the equation with an emphasis on corporate donors, campaign contributors and their special interests.
** Unfortunately the history of the United States is wrought with inequity, inequality, racism, and corruption with the top level of the wealthy in control. We will begin to right the wrongs of the past toward an America that works for everyone.
** The Alliance Party is the party of the future, driven and lead by Americans who have an innovative eye on the future and by those who believe that America can and will do better. Nobody should be left behind in an America that strives to be the best. To be the best we have to excel in ALL of the areas that matter most to Americans, ALL Americans.
** For too long large groups of people have been left voiceless in their own nation. It is time for everyone to have a seat at the table where each voice has equal value and where those voices are actually heard. We invite everyone to the table.
** This must begin with a new breed of politician. We seek non-professional politicians who wish to serve all of the people rather than advance a career by serving big money. We ask all of our candidates to sign an agreement whereby they agree to act with honesty and integrity. At higher offices they agree to term-limit themselves even where the law does not, and make tax return info public toward true transparency.
** Because we are the only party dedicated to moving America forward to a better future for all of its citizens, not just spewing rhetoric about it.
** We are the only party of – OPPORTUNITY – EQUALITY – INTEGRITY
** If you have any questions, please call (800) 988-7803 or email info[AT]theallianceparty.com

Be A Leader of Alliance Party

** It is critical that we begin to elect public servants who not only have an innovative eye on the future of America, but also will seek to end corruption, stagnation and partisan politics. It’s time to bring back American values of Opportunity, Equality and Integrity.
** To do that we need to build a party that is an organized from the grassroots. We need to build an infrastructure in each state with statewide officers and those who will represent localities.
** Please stand alongside others looking to help build a viable alternative to the ruling parties. We will teach and assist you.
** Please sign up. Once completed you will receive a brief survey. Once completed we will be in touch.
Contact :
The Alliance Party
5718 W US-10
Ludington, MI 49431

Categories: United States
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