Join Libertarian Party Membership United States : lp.org

Organisation : Libertarian Party
Facility Name : Join Libertarian Party Membership
Country : Virginia, United States
Website : https://www.lp.org/

How to Join Libertarian Party?

1. Members of the Party shall be those persons who have certified in writing that they oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.
2. The National Committee may offer life memberships and must honor all prior and future life memberships.
3. The National Committee may create other levels of membership and shall determine the contribution or dues levels for such memberships.

Related / Similar Facilities : Alliance Party Join United States

4. “Sustaining members” are members of the Party who:
a. During the prior 12 months have donated, or have had donated on their behalf, an amount of at least $25; or
b. Are Life members.

Join the LP here : https://www.lp.org/join-the-libertarian-party/

Eligibility of Libertarian Party Members

** I am a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
** This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
** I am not a federal contractor.
** I am making this contribution with my own personal funds and not from corporate or business funds or funds belonging to another person.
Only donations made within the last 30 days are eligible for a refund. Store purchases, contest entry fees, and event tickets are non-refundable.
Contributions or gifts to the Libertarian National Committee are not tax deductible. The maximum annual contribution is $41,300.

** If you’ve selected “Text” as a notification preference, you are consenting to receive text messages from the Libertarian National Committee. For SMS, message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to end. Text HELP for help.
By Check
Use this form if you would like to mail-in a donation.
All checks should be made payable to “Libertarian Party” and mailed to:
Libertarian Party
1321 Upland Drive, PMB 7311
Houston, TX 77043-9965
By Phone
Please call (800) 353-2887
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee, Inc. (LP.org)
1444 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3403
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Voting Eligibility:
a. Use of the unit rule or unit voting is prohibited at national conventions.

b. Duly selected alternates may be freely substituted for any members of their delegation who are temporarily or permanently absent from the floor, provided the procedure has been clearly specified by the affiliate party in advance of the convention, and the Credentials Committee has been provided with lists of the affiliate party’s delegates and alternates as well as a copy of the affiliate party’s rules governing substitutions.

c. An alternate, upon certification by the Credentials Committee, may function as a delegate whenever a delegate of the same state has not been registered in attendance. This status shall continue until the absent delegate registers in attendance. If the affiliate party has made no provision for filling delegate vacancies, the alternate substitute shall be decided by drawing lots.

d. If the affiliate party has made no other provision, an alternate may temporarily vote in place of a delegate from the same state while he or she has the written consent of that delegate; however, no delegate may cast more than one vote on a question.
e. All members must wear the identification badge issued upon registration in order to be admitted to the convention hall.

What is The Libertarian Party?

** The Libertarian Party (LP) is your representative in American politics. It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and responsible individual.
** Our slogan is that we are “The Party of Principle”, because we stand firmly on our principles.
** Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference into their personal, family, and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.
** Founded in 1971, we run many hundreds of candidates every election cycle. These candidates seek positions ranging from City Council to President of the United States. Each of these candidates helps to give liberty a voice.

The Libertarian Option :
** Consider voting Libertarian or joining the Libertarian Party because…
** We seek to substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut and eliminate taxes at every opportunity.
** We believe that peaceful, honest people should be able to offer their goods and services to willing consumers without inappropriate interference from government.
** We believe that peaceful, honest people should decide for themselves how to live their lives, without fear of criminal or civil penalties.
** We believe that government’s only responsibility, if any, should be protecting people from force and fraud.

Categories: United States
Tags: lp.org
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