aec.gov.au FOI Freedom of Information Requests : Australian Electoral Commission

Organisation : Australian Electoral Commission
Facility : FOI Freedom of Information Requests
Applicable For : Individuals
Country : Australia
Details : http://www.aec.gov.au/information-access/index.htm#foi

AEC FOI Freedom of Information Requests

The FOI Act gives any person the right to
** access copies of documents (except exempt documents) we hold

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** ask for information we hold about you to be changed or annotated if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading
** seek a review of our decision not to allow you access to a document or not to amend your personal record.

You can ask to see any document that we hold. We can refuse access to some documents, or parts of documents that are exempt. Exempt documents may include those relating to national security, documents containing material obtained in confidence and Cabinet documents, or other matters set out in the FOI Act.

How to make an FOI request to the AEC?

Your request must :
** be in writing;
** state that the request is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act;
** provide information about the document(s) that you wish to access so that we can process your request; and
** provide an address for reply. It would be helpful to include a telephone number for contact purposes.

You can send your request :
By email – info@aec.gov.au

By post :
Attention: FOI Officer
Locked Bag 4007
Canberra ACT 2601

If you need assistance to make an FOI request to the OAIC, please contact our enquiries line on 13 23 26 (charged at a cost similar to a local call).

Freedom of Information (FOI) Disclosure Log

From 1 May 2011, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), agencies are required to publish information in documents provided in response to FOI requests. The publication of such documents must be done within 10 days of the decision being made.

The only exemptions will be information of the following kinds :
** personal information about any individual, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information
** information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information
** other information of a kind determined by the Information Commissioner, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information.

In addition, certain exemptions may apply to particular sections of the published document. Where applicable, these redactions have been identified

Why have I received an email or SMS from the AEC?

The AEC has sent email and SMS messages to encourage people to enrol or update their enrolment details. All Australian citizens aged 18 years or over are required by law to enrol and keep their enrolment details up to date.

If you have received an email or sms message it is because the AEC has information that indicates you may either need to enrol or update your enrolment details. The AEC also encourages citizens that are 16 and 17 to enrol so that they are able to vote when they turn 18.

The AEC has sent these messages via email or SMS where email addresses and/or mobile phone number has been provided to either the AEC as part of an enrolment application, or to another government agency.

Categories: Australia
Tags: aec.gov.au
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