Internet & Telephone Voting Australia : elections.wa.gov.au

Organization : Western Australian Electoral Commission
Facility : Internet & Telephone Voting
Country : Australia
Website : https://www.elections.wa.gov.au/vote/elector-assistance/electors-disability

Internet & Telephone Voting :

Voting options for people with disability, At the 2017 State general election the following voting options will be available

Related : Update Your Enrolment Western Australian Electoral Commission : www.electionin.org/2247.html

iVote :
The iVote system is a form of voting using a telephone or the internet at a location of your choice.

iVote was available to people enrolled to vote in WA who could not vote without assistance because they :
** have insufficient literacy skills

** are blind or sight impaired
** are otherwise incapacitated.
An Auslan video is available on the WA Deaf Society YouTube channel.

Other voting options :
** Accessible polling places
** Drive in polling places
** Audio loops
** Assistance at polling places

** Mobile polling
** Registering as a general early voter
** Information for carers

It is the right of every elector to cast their vote in an environment which provides for a secret and independent ballot. However, you may seek assistance at any time.

If you do not understand the process, are unable to or have difficulty writing on your ballot paper or need any other assistance you may ask a polling official, carer, friend or relative.

Accessible polling places :
** Before an election, all potential polling places are assessed to determine if they are accessible for people with mobility issues or who are in a wheelchair. As polling places are located in existing public buildings and locations, accessibility cannot be guaranteed.

** The Commission aims to have as many accessible polling places as possible, and will even use temporary ramps to maximise the number of accessible polling places available for electors.

Polling places also have reserved parking bays as close to the polling place location as possible for electors with limited mobility.
** Accessible polling places are identified in advertising. There is usually a minimum of one accessible polling location per district.

Drive-in polling places :
** Drive-in polling places are available at selected locations in the metropolitan area on polling day for electors with limited mobility. This service enables electors to vote without having to leave a vehicle.

** Signage at the location will help direct you to this service. Polling officials will then assist electors by bringing their ballot papers to the car.

Categories: Australia
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