parliament.gi General Election 2015 : Gibraltar

Organisation : The Gibraltar Parliament
Facility : General Election 2015
Territory : Gibraltar

General Election 2015 : https://www.electionin.org/uploads/1204-general_information.pdf
Home Page : http://www.parliament.gi/

1. A revised Register of Electors has been published in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Parliament Act.
2. The full register is now available for inspection under supervision at my office at Parliament House during working hours.
3. An information leaflet will have been sent to you at the address at which you are registered to vote. This leaflet is for information only. You can vote without it, but it will save time if you take it to the polling station and show it to the polling clerk.
4. When you go to the polling station, tell the polling clerk your name and address. The Presiding Officer will give you a ballot paper.
5. Go to one of the polling booths. Mark a cross (X) in the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper opposite the name of the candidate you are voting for. You may vote for up to 10 candidates.
6. Do NOT vote for more than 10 candidates.
7. Do NOT mark the Ballot Paper in any other way.
8. If by mistake you spoil a ballot paper, show it to the Presiding Officer and ask for a replacement.
9. Fold the ballot paper. Show the official mark to the Presiding Officer, but do not let anyone see your vote. Put the ballot paper in the ballot box and leave the polling station.
10. Persons who because of physical infirmity are unable to vote at the Polling Station may do so at their residence. Persons who wish to vote in this manner must apply in a special form which is obtainable from the Returning Officer at Parliament House. Once an application to vote in the above manner is accepted by the Returning Officer, the elector’s name and address will be published in an Absentee Voters’ List and any such person will only be able to vote at the address shown in this list and NOT at any Polling Station. Further information may be obtained from the Returning Officer at Parliament House.
11. If you have been granted a postal vote, you will NOT be entitled to vote in person at this election, so please ignore this poll card.

Computation of time. :
For the purposes of rule 2, if the latest day by which an act or thing must be done be a Sunday or public holiday or the Saturday before or the Tuesday after Easter Sunday, such day shall be disregarded and the act or thing shall fall to be done not later than the day preceding, not being such an excluded day. The returning officer shall not be obliged to proceed with the counting of votes on any such excluded day but shall do so on the day next following, not being also an excluded day.

Hours of poll :
The poll shall commence at nine o’clock in the morning and be kept open till ten o’clock in the afternoon of the same day and no longer.

Notice of election :
(1) Notice of the election as in Form A in the Schedule, shall be prepared, signed and published by the returning officer.
(2) Such notice shall be published in one or more daily newspapers and in such other way (if any) as the returning officer thinks best calculated to bring it to the attention of the electors.

Deposit required for elections :
(1) A person shall not be validly nominated for an election unless the sum of £ 150 is deposited by him or on his behalf with the returning officer at the place and during the time for delivery of nomination papers.

The deposit may be made either by the deposit of any legal tender, or by means of a banker’s draft, or with the consent of the returning officer in any other manner:
Provided that the returning officer may refuse to accept a deposit sought to be made by means of a banker’s draft if he does not know that the drawer carries on business as a banker in Gibraltar.

Categories: Gibraltar
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