electionsnovascotia.ca Voter FAQs : Elections Nova Scotia

Organization : Elections Nova Scotia
Facility : Voter FAQs
Province : Nova Scotia
Country : Canada

Voter FAQs : https://electionsnovascotia.ca/faq
Home Page : https://electionsnovascotia.ca/home

I want to vote in the next election. Can I? :
** As long as you are a Canadian citizen who will be at least 18 years old on election day and have lived in Nova Scotia for at least six months before the date of the writ, you can vote.
** If you are a Nova Scotia student attending an educational institution, you can vote either in your ordinary residence polling division or at the polling division associated with your residence while going to school.
** Please contact your local Returning Officer (find your returning officer) for more information.

Can British subjects vote? :
British subjects are not entitled to vote in Nova ScotiTo vote in Nova Scotia, you must be a Canadian citizen.

Who is allowed to be present in a polling station during an election? :
These are the people allowed in the polling station during an election :
** Supervising Deputy Returning Officer
** Deputy Returning Officer
** Poll Clerk
** Elector (voter)
** Candidates
** Returning Officer and Election Clerk
** Two agents for each candidate or one elector representing a candidate
** Official Agent of a candidate
** Constable
** Any person required to comply with the Elections Act.

Any person or group for educational purposes if permitted in writing by the Chief Electoral Officer

I’m a student living at university. Where do I vote? :
See the section Student Voting.

How long does the election period last? :
Not less than 30 days from the date of the writ.

Who is my Returning Officer? :
Returning Officer’s information is posted on our website only after an election has been called. See the Electoral District Finder for more information.

I won’t be here for election day. Can I still vote? :
Yes. You can vote at the Returning Office Poll, Advance Poll, or by Write-in Ballot.

I am living in a women’s shelter and don’t want my location to be known. How can I vote? :
We certainly respect your circumstances. You can still vote on election day. You will have to complete a Certificate to Vote. You can also vote at any Returning Office, Advance Poll , or by Write-in Ballot.

Where do I vote? :
Check your Voter Information Card, which you should receive in the mail about two weeks after an election is called. If you have not received one, contact your local Returning Officer (find your returning officer).

Is my vote secret? :

Can anyone come behind the voting screen with me? :
Yes. If you require assistance casting your vote you can have someone come behind the screen with you. Also, parents may bring a child with them to have them become familiar with the process.

Can prisoners vote? :
Yes. They must vote by write-in ballot. See Incarcerated Voters.

I was told my employer has to give me three hours off to vote. Is that true? :
Yes and no. You are entitled to have three consecutive hours available to vote while the polls are open on election day, but the time you take must respect your employer’s needs. For further information, see discussion of time off to vote.

Is there any leeway in voting after 8:00pm on election day? :
The Deputy Returning Officer at the polling station will take note of how many people are still waiting to vote at 8:00pm. The polls may stay open until these people have voted. Anyone arriving after 8:00pm cannot vote.

What is a mobile polling station? :
If required, a separate polling division is created for one or more long-term care facilities. A Returning Officer can establish a mobile polling station which is like a “traveling polling station” which goes to each facility for no less than 3 hours to allow voting by electors at the facilities.

Candidates and Parties FAQ :
Can a candidate have more than one official agent? :
No. Section 168(2) of the Elections Act contemplates more than one official agent for a party but no equivalent provision is in the Elections Act for candidates. Section 170 – 171 of the Act speaks in terms of one person having this responsibility.

What is a registered party? :
A registered party is a political party which has been registered by the Chief Electoral Officer under section 180 of the Elections Act.

How many registered political parties are there in Nova Scotia? :
There are 4 registered political parties in Nova Scotia :
** Green Party of Nova Scotia
** Nova Scotia Liberal Party
** Nova Scotia New Democratic Party
** The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Political Contributions FAQ :
May I make a donation to a political party in Nova Scotia? :
Yes, an individual resident in Nova Scotia may make a political contribution to a party, a candidate or an electoral district association. Organizations (corporations, partnerships, unions, etc.) may not.

Is there a limit on the amount I can contribute? :
Yes, an individual can contribute a maximum of $5,000 annually to each registered party, its candidates or its electoral district associations.

Can corporations, partnerships and trade unions make political contributions? :
No, only an individual resident in Nova Scotia can make political contributions.

Why is there a limit on contributions I can make when none previously existed? :
In 2007, public funding for registered political parties was introduced. At the same time a limit on contributions and rules about who can contribute were established.

Can a political contribution be made in cash? :
Yes, however cash contributions are restricted to a maximum of $100.

Who may accept a political contribution? :
Only the official agent of the recognized party, candidate or electoral district association may accept a political contribution.

Can I loan money to a recognized party, candidate or electoral district? :
Yes, however you need to be aware of a number of rules regarding loans. The most important is that a loan that is not repaid is deemed to be a political contribution and subject to the $5,000 annual contribution limit.

What if I contribute more than $5,000 annually? :
The law makes it your responsibility not to contribute more than allowed. The law prohibits registered political parties, candidates or electoral district associations from accepting contributions that exceed the limits.

Where do I find the law on political contributions? :
The law regarding political contributions is in the Elections Act. Also refer to a guideline on the contributions rules prepared by the Chief Electoral Officer.

Public Funding FAQ :
Do political parties receive public funding in Nova Scotia? :
Yes, registered parties do.

Categories: Canada
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